Friday, November 1, 2013

Keep It Neat

Just a little touching up on the wiring neat factor concerning the bilge pumps. After removing all that hose, wires which were run around them as best as can be expected are all dangling and in disarray.
Let's keep it tidy if we can!

All the bilges have been scrubbed clean and are drying out, I'll be going down in them soon  to continue working on the neat wire factor. Vicky too is working closely with me, so we both have a clear picture so that when problems arise we will be one step ahead of....WTFDTG  (where the f**k does this go?) 


  1. Can I have one of your pairs of wire strippers?

  2. You can call me..... Spare Tool. Lost a 7/16 offset box end wrench of the stern last week. Guess what? That's right, I have another.


Talk to me...